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hordeolum, or stye, is an acute, localized, abscess of the eyelid.
Styes are more often seen in small children. Unlike Chalazia, most hordeolaresult from an infection of an eyelash follicle and or an adjacent sweat or oil gland in the eyelid. Follicle obstruction may be associated withblepharitis.
Chalazia also differ from styes (hordeola) in that they are
nontender and usually painless nodules. The first symptoms of a sty are generally tenderness and pain in the affected area. The eye may feel irritated or “scratchy” and develop swelling. Discomfort during blinking of the eye, watering of the eye, and sensitivity to light are also common findings. A common sign of a sty is a small, yellowish crusty spot at the center of the area of swelling that develops as pus expands in the area.

Although Hordeola are different from Chalazia, the recommended treatment is very similar. Eye-press™ has been specifically designed to provide gentle, consistent, steady-state heat to the eyelids and at the same time, wash the eyelids with a hypo-allergenic “baby” shampoo formula to help cleanse the eyelid margins and prevent recurrences. Opinions regarding the frequency of use and duration of heat application vary among eye-care professionals, but in general, they can be used every 2-3 hours for up to week or until symptoms resolve. If affected, it is generally safe to start using eye-presses as soon as possible and see your eye-care professional (optometrist or ophthalmologist) at your earliest convenience.
The following reputable links all present detailed information and literature about styes/hordeola and guidance regarding their treatment with warm compresses: