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Our products are designed to help manage common eye conditions like styes, chalazia, dry eyes, and blepharitis. Understanding these conditions can help you find relief and maintain healthy eyes.

  • Diagram explaining what a stye is and how does it look.


    A stye is a red, painful bump that forms along the edge of the eyelid, often caused by a bacterial infection. It typically appears near the base of an eyelash or within the oil glands of the eyelid. Styes can cause swelling, discomfort, and temporary vision blurring. With proper care, styes usually heal on their own, but using warm compresses can speed up the healing process.

  • Diagram explaining what a chalazion is and how it looks from a side view.


    Chalazia are similar to styes but are caused by a blocked oil gland rather than an infection. These lumps form deeper in the eyelid and are generally painless, although they can cause swelling and irritation. Chalazia may take longer to heal, but warm compresses and gentle massage can help reduce the size and discomfort.

  • Diagram illustrating dry eye and eye drops.

    Dry Eyes

    Dry eyes occur when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or the right quality of tears to keep them properly lubricated. This can result in irritation, a gritty feeling, and redness. Dry eyes are common and can be triggered by various factors such as screen time, environmental conditions, or age. Using lubricating eye drops and warm compresses can help soothe and hydrate dry eyes.

  • Diagram explaining blepharitis and how it looks.


    Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids that can cause redness, itching, and flaking. It occurs when the oil glands near the base of the eyelashes become clogged. Blepharitis is a chronic condition, but it can be managed with regular cleaning, gentle lid hygiene, and warm compresses to keep the oil glands functioning properly.

Old lady with an eye condition - Eye Press


Each of these eye conditions can be uncomfortable, but with the right treatment and care, relief is possible. Our products are designed to provide targeted support and comfort for these common issues, helping you maintain healthier eyes every day.